
Why Am I Crazy?

I’m currently participating in two great undertakings, one of which I chronicled already on this blog. The one that I’ve mentioned is my movie list – I came up with a list of 160 movies that I wanted to see (way back in November 2007) and I’m currently down to 10 to go.

The other one seemed equally daunting but has actually gone far quicker – listen to my entire music library. Back this past June, I started out on track 1 of 7400+. My goal was to complete the library in one year; I think I calculated that if I averaged 25 tracks a day (a reasonable goal) I would finish in roughly one full year.

I sorted my music library by album title and started going. From …And Justice for All through (currently) Unleashed in the East, things have been going well. I knew from the start that if I bought a new album that I had already passed in the playlist, I’d go back and listen to it.

What I DIDN’T anticipate was adding over 2200 new tracks (and the eight new albums I’ve gotten in the last week or so doesn’t help).

Anyway, I’m on track 8927 of currently 9620 right now (with four more albums to add and listen to). I’ve obviously exceeded my 25 tracks per day goal, but it’s still taken me over eight months to get here. I hope to have it done by the end of April, which is kind of now the goal for the movie list as well.

If anyone is interested in checking out the music listening I’ve done lately, check out my last.fm (and if you’re reading this and have a last.fm and you’re not already friends with me, friend me!):


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